My Best Work/Life Balance Tips for Working Women

Plan your day in advance, either the night before (preferred) or the morning of. Develop a to-do list of most important and urgent tasks. Add to that a few routine tasks or a few steps to a larger project. Work from this list. If you have a more task-oriented position, meet with an immediate supervisor to help you identify specific daily goals.

Avoiding disruptions is the most important tip of all. Disruptions (people or things not on your to-do list) are the main cause of working late or taking work home. Use a timer when checking email so you don't loose track of your greatest asset, your time. Avoid social media except during lunch or during a break.

Don't just organize your desk, but declutter your electronic files as well. Document retrieval can be a huge time waster if you have no system for files and projects. Use folders that best fit your needs (i.e. yearly and monthly sub-folders and account based work, department names for organizational work, or client name or number for corporate work, etc.).

Take a break! Being sluggish can cause us to fall behind on our to-do list. Let's face it, sitting all day at your desk doesn't show commitment, it shows a person not in control enough they can't even afford a lunch break. Even if you pack your lunch, walk outside/around your building, breath in fresh air. It is natures quickest picker upper.

Know your limits. Stop checking email after hours. Even if your boss time management skills are different from yours, NO ONE expects a response at 7 PM or 10 PM.  If you feel better having a leash on what's happening in the office when you are not there, fine, read it! But only read at pre-determined, designated times while at home, and resist the urge to respond.

             What are some of your tips and best practices for balance work and life?
             Share in our comment section.

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