Relaxation Methods

Our latest gathering included three new faces! It is good the cause of the Women's Well~Being Circle is spreading. Thank you to all who share our purpose and extend a personal invitation to a deserving woman.

After the welcome and introductions, we shared the history of the WWBC and it's purpose. We then discussed and shared relaxation methods used to combat stress in our daily and sometimes challenging lives.

We took turns finishing the following statements and sharing our answers:

  • I feel stressed when . . . .
  • When I am stressed, I . . . . .
  • I feel stress-free when . . .
  • If I had a free day, I would . . .

Some of our answers included:
  • I feel stressed when I do/don't balance my checkbook.
  • I feel stressed when I go to work.
  • I feel stressed when I'm running late.
  • When I am stressed, I like to go to the mountains and be near nature.
  • When I am stressed, I like to go to the beach.
Take some time to finish these statements.  You may want to keep a list in your journal to reflect on  during times you may find yourself stressed. Or you can choose to share them in the comment box below.

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